Tagged “Remindlyo”

Remindlyo is a Go

Eight weeks ago I embarked, almost by accident, on one of the most interesting challenges that I've ever set up for myself. I've created something new, something that I don't think the world has had before, and that makes me feel good. So, if you're reading this, go check out Remindlyo, because it's as done as it's going to get for now.

Random Remindlyo Things

I think everyone is due for an update on my remindlyo progress, but I don't really have an organized post. Here's a bunch of random thoughts instead.

Bootstrapping a Side Business - First Steps

For the past few weeks I've been working on a little product that I'm calling remindlyo, which I'm hoping to turn into a secondary income stream. The basic idea is that you put events about the important people in your life, like birthdays, anniversaries, or what have you, into remindlyo. On the day of the event, remindlyo calls you to remind you and connects you to them, all on the same phone call. You can read more about it on the main remindlyo site. In this post I want to talk more about the why instead of the what.