Tagged “Marginalia”

Post-mortem of a Dead-on-Arrival SaaS Product

A little over a year ago I announced the launch of my latest (at the time) product named Marginalia. The idea was to be a sort of online journal. A cheaper, more programmer friendly alternative to Evernote. It never took off, despite my best intentions, and so a few months ago I told the only active user that I was going to shut it down, and today I finally took that sad action. This post is a short history of the project and a few lessons learned.

Keeping a Programming Journal with Marginalia

In addition to writing on this blog, I've been keeping notes for various things on Marginalia, my web-based note taking and journaling app. In my previous post I talked about the why and how of Marginalia itself. In this post I'd like to talk more about what I actually use it for day to day, in particular to keep programming journals.

Update 2013-10-19: Marginalia is shut down and open source on GitHub

Marginalia: A web-based journaling and note taking tool

I'd like to present my new webapp, Marginalia, a web based journaling and note taking tool. Notes are written in Markdown, and there are some simple shortcuts for appending timestamped entries at the end of a note, as well as a few email-based tools for creating and appending to notes. You should check it out. Look below the fold for technical details and the origin story.

Update 2013-10-19: Marginalia is shut down and open source on GitHub