Tagged “Git”

Distributed Personal Wiki

For as long as I can remember I've been trying to find a good way to keep personal text notes. Recipes, notes, ideas, that kind of thing. Things that aren't really suited to blogging. Along the way I've used (and stuck with) PmWiki, DocuWiki, TiddlyWiki, and most recently I built my own sort-of-pseudo-wiki Marginalia.

Lately, though, it's been kind of a drag to use a web-based application just to write down some work notes. Having sort of an obsession with Markdown I decided to just start keeping notes in Markdown-formatted files in a directory. Of course, files that aren't backed up are likely to disappear at any moment, so I naturally stuck them in a git repository and pushed to my personal git server. But then, how do I deal with synching my work and home machines? I guess I'll manually merge changes...

Private Git Repositories with Gitolite and S3

Earlier this year I bought a new Mac mini for various reasons. One of the big ones was so I would have a place to stash private git repositories that I didn't want to host on 3rd party services like Github or Bitbucket. This post describes how I set up Gitolite and my own hook scripts, including how I mirror my git repos on S3 using JGit.