Mastering Modern Payments
Using Stripe with Rails

Note: This page is presented as a historical artifact of Mastering Modern Payments v1. MMP is no longer up to date and is not for sale.

The complete guide to getting paid with Stripe and Rails.

Mastering Modern Payments Cover

Every time you have to write another Stripe integration you drag your heels. It's frustrating. There are lots of moving pieces and no one place to see a complete implementation. How do you work with webhooks? Where should you set up subscription plans? What's the best way to make sure your customers aren't left hanging if Stripe falls over?

Tutorials only get you so far, though. Soon, you're looking at blog posts from years ago and wondering if they're still correct. API documentation doesn't help if you don't know what you're looking for. GitHub has lots of payment gems, but how do you know if they're any good?

What if you could read a story and follow along with a complete production application? What if you knew for certain that you're reading the most up-to-date best practices?

What if you could get paid sooner and more reliably?

Over the last two years I've written Stripe integrations for a dozen Rails applications. Like you, I've combed through the docs and the blog posts and the GitHub repositories looking for answers and come up short.

Mastering Modern Payments was like a pool of cool refreshing water after I'd been traveling in the desert of obscurity for weeks. Unlike the API docs, or most blog posts I found on the topic, Pete thought this through three steps ahead of solving the problems I'd be having a few weeks or months after deployment. This will end up saving me an immeasurable amount of time and money.

Christian Genco Portrait Christian Genco

After going through this dance over and over, I've distilled my experiences into a comprehensive, concise guide named Mastering Modern Payments: Using Stripe with Rails.

Don't make wrong turns. Learn from my mistakes and use the plan that has gotten over 1000 readers processing transactions fast, safe, and successfully.

I'm fairly new to Rails and setting up billing had me flustered for weeks. I was stuck, spinning my wheels, not knowing what was the best route to take. Pete's book is a guiding light of common sense and practical application. Now I can setup billing with confidence, and more importantly, ship my product.

Joel Hooks Portrait Joel Hooks

Includes everything you need.

Don't waste a week writing the wrong thing. In this guide you'll have everything you'll need to write a correct, fast, and customer-friendly Stripe integration:

  • Dealing with security including PCI-DSS
  • How and why to use stripe.js and checkout.js
  • How to build custom payment forms
  • How to set up Rails to keep an audit trail for you automatically
  • How to handle subscription billing
  • How to create marketplaces with Stripe Connect and Stripe Payouts
  • How and why you should process payments using a background worker
  • How to email your customers effectively
  • How to test your Stripe integration
Mastering Modern Payments is a fantastic resource for integrating Stripe billing with your Rails app. Pete does a great job of pulling together existing resources and blending them with his own experience to provide a clear, valuable guide for billing with Stripe.

Matt Vanderpol PortraitMatt Vanderpol

Three Packages to Choose From:

Team Package


  • 116 page PDF with more than 100 code samples
  • ePub for Nook and Mobi for Kindle reading
  • Single-page HTML format for easy reference and searching
  • The full source code for the Rails application I use to sell the guide
  • Team license for up to 50 people.

Buy →

Absolutely Zero Risk!
Includes a full, no-questions-asked 90 day guarantee.

Complete Package


  • 116 page PDF with more than 100 code samples
  • ePub for Nook and Mobi for Kindle reading
  • Single-page HTML format for easy reference and searching
  • The full source code for the Rails application I use to sell the guide

Buy →

Absolutely Zero Risk!
Includes a full, no-questions-asked 90 day guarantee.

Basic Package


  • 116 page PDF with more than 100 code samples
  • ePub for Nook and Mobi for Kindle reading
  • Single-page HTML format for easy reference and searching

Buy →

Absolutely Zero Risk!
Includes a full, no-questions-asked 90 day guarantee.

Which package should I buy?

That depends on your budget. I strongly suggest the Complete Package because the code is very helpful for understanding the book. That said, the Basic Package has a ton of value all by itself.

Can I upgrade later on?

Absolutely! Just reply to your confirmation email that you'd like to upgrade and I'll set it up for you.

Will I get updates?

Stripe and Rails both move fast. As they do, I send out periodic updates to the book and the sample application.

Can I pay with PayPal?

No problem. Just send the amount that corresponds to the version you want to

What if I get nothing out of this?

The current version of the guide is the product of over a year of editing and conversations with dozens of developers just like you. If you're a Rails developer integrating Stripe, this is the guide for you. That said, if you feel like you haven't gotten your money's worth, simply send me an email for a full 100% money back guarantee.

About the Author

Pete Keen Portrait I'm Pete Keen. I've been a professional software developer for seven years and live in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I write a blog at with articles on topics ranging from Ruby and Rails to Perl and robotics and scattered book reviews.